Starring: Hannah Perez and Sinn Sage w/ Drake
**FULL 1920X1080 HD** **Full Blood & Sound F/X**
A couple of friends had a rough night, partying and drinking until late. The next day they lay bored, on the couch in their bra and panties. They talk to each other trying to come up with ideas so they don't lay around all day, maybe the beach, or to get some Thai food, they decide to get food and so Hannah needs a quick shower and Sinn has some make up touching up to do and change into some comfy clothes. As the two young ladies are getting naked and doing their thing, a masked man in black, masked, with black rubber gloves is using a pick lock to break in, broad daylight. As he jimmys the lock Hannah is starting the shower, getting herself all ready to rinse off. Sinn touches up make up and then gets naked, and heads to the kitchen for water. As she turns the water on the masked man enters and closes the door, she is oblivious to anyone there as she drinks water. He pulls a sharp kitchen knife out of his back pocket and sneaks up to Sinn, grabbing her mouth to cover her screams and Reaching the blade around to stab her in the belly. He goes in hard and deep and she grunts, moaning and groaning in pain. She is in shock as he helps her to hold the blade so he can see it from a few steps back, she looks at him in disbelief. He admires how the blood is starting to seep out the sides of the blade from her belly button. He lets her hold it for a few seconds then grabs it and pulls it out fast, blood dripping from the gore coated knife. As she gasps for the counter and slides to the floor, he is ready to see his next victim, who is unbeknown to his being there and showering. Sinn dies beautifully as the sounds of poor Hannah being stabbed multiple times in the shower. The stabber gets in the door and sweeps back the curtain, stabbing her in the belly several times with his thrusts. Blood gushes out of her belly that has a few stabs in and around the belly hole. He admires as she goes from surprise to shock, pain and convulsive death. She bleeds out a bit in the tub as she thrashes and he looks her over. She dies a beautiful death. He heads to the kitchen to see his handiwork there again. Sinn's body lay still as she is dead on the floor without a move, and bleeding from her belly. He checks her out, doing some knife play, then he goes to the shower and grabs Hannah's limp, bloody body to set next to Sinn in the kitchen. He sets Hannah down so her head is at Sinn's feet, he adjusts and touches both bodies, sizing up the wounds he inflicted. He moves the knife around to where he wants it, caress Hannah's face and then opens the fridge to grab a beer before he leaves. Body pans follow of the sexy dead stabbed babes.
Very fortunate to work with such professional actors. This is a great psycho stabbing with all the cinematic attributes.CB.
Run Time: 12:39 minutes
File Size: 540 MB Format: .MP4
Clip Duration: 13 minutes |
Format | Size | m4v | 536 MB |
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